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Raider Days FUN!

Want Maximum Fun?

Raider Days gives campers ages 5–11 the opportunity to enjoy a variety of activities and explore Baylor’s beautiful 690-acre campus. Raider Days campers will enjoy a fun week filled with games, crafts, slip-n-slides, outdoor activities, as well as time each day in our amazing outdoor pool. Baylor students are carefully selected and trained to serve as counselors and are campers’ favorite part of the week!

  • Lunch, which includes various meal choices, as well as an afternoon snack, are provided each day. Be sure to bring some cash to purchase a treat at the Snack Shack!
  • Before care is available each morning starting at 7:45 a.m. until the start of camp, while aftercare is available each afternoon from 4-5:30 p.m.
  • For parent convenience, drop-off and pick-up will be located in front of Worsham Arena. Parking spaces will be available to walk your camper in as well.

BAYLOR ALUMNI DISCOUNT: Baylor alums can receive a 5% discount on any Baylor summer camp.  Call the Baylor alumni office at 423-267-8506 x346 to confirm alumni status. Alumni should follow these steps:

  1. Register for camp
  2. Call the Alumni office at 267-8506, ext. 346 to verify contact information
  3. Once verified, the Alumni office works with Summer Camps to ensure the 5% discount is applied back to the original form of payment.


Camp Information


Making new friends is a hallmark of summer camp - many of our young campers meet their future classmates or become close friends.


Sometimes it's hard to know who enjoys camp more - our campers, their counselors, or Baylor coaches!

A variety of activities keeps "Raider Days" fun and never boring!



Deposits, Refunds, and Fees Policies

  • Before and after-care information and pricing
  • Deposits: A $50 non-refundable deposit is required to hold a spot for any individual camp session.
  • Refunds: Camp price is refundable (excluding deposits) up until two weeks prior to the beginning of each camp. After that time, refunds can no longer be issued. NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE MADE TO THIS POLICY. Refunds will be processed at the end of each week and / or when the last camp session has ended.
  • Fee Transfer Policy: The camp fee cannot be transferred to any other Baylor summer camp or camper. Refunds will be processed after the last camp session has ended.
  • Late Registration Fee: For those signing up on the day before camp begins, there is a $50 late registration fee. NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE MADE TO THIS POLICY.