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Community Service

Service Opportunities: Local, Regional, International

Baylor students who participate in the Community Service program work every day locally and have the opportunity to expand their service regionally and even internationally. From building academic partnerships with children living across Chattanooga, to ministering aid and comfort to children and families in Kingston, Jamaica, the program offers a full range of service and leadership opportunities.

While it is not the main goal of the program, Baylor students regularly earn college scholarships due to their commitment to community service.

More About Our Program

For more information on Baylor's Community Service Program, contact
Takisha Haynie, 423-267-8506, ext. 221 or Keelah Jackson, 423-267-8506, ext. 298.


The Jamaica Education Fund

Each year students involved in community service at all grade levels help raise money for the Jamaica Education Fund, which goes toward providing an education for children in Jamaica. 



2023 Slideshow - ComServe


Serving Locally

After a full day of classes, Baylor student volunteers travel to various sites in Chattanooga to tutor children and lead various programs.


Leadership Opportunities

The student leadership in the program includes two head student leaders, nine site leaders, a grant-writing leader, a reading program leader, holiday party leaders, special event leaders, and members at-large.


Grant Writing

Students who participate in the Community Service grant-writing initiative identify various needs at service locations, then research, write, and present their grant proposals for funding.


Tangible Results

As a result of various grants, area children have benefited from programs such as drama, astronomy, music, Spanish instruction, and writing skills.


Serving Globally

The Community Service program also offers an annual trips trip to Kingston, Jamaica to work with children in orphanages and with the homeless.  To be selected for this trip is one of the school's highest honors.
