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Research Scholar Program


Graduate with the distinction of a Research Scholar.

Training students to think like scientists is the mission of Baylor Research.

We understand that science is not about content or a body of facts that explain the natural world, but instead is a process that we use to generate and confirm new knowledge. This principle of experiential learning guides Baylor Research and is most evident in our laboratory spaces.

Overview of Program

Molecular Methods and Engineering Design are the introductory courses for Baylor Research (See sample course progression here). Once complete, students may advance to Biomedical, Environmental, or Engineering Research. Successful students are considered for Advanced Research and Thesis in their selected field. Each year students highlight their work at the Science & Engineering Symposium. Students and faculty are recognized via their peer-reviewed presentation and publications.

Experienced Research Faculty & State-of-the Art Facilities

Students Mentored by Ph.D. Researchers
Successful in their own fields of study, Nastassja Hagan, Dr. Louie Elliott, Dr. R. Antonio Herrera, and Dr. Ben Holt are leading the way in developing curriculum and programs that will inspire the next generation of research scientists.

Technology’s Best Tools
The Weeks Science Building is supported with a $15 million endowment to ensure the most advanced program possible. Our facilities and research technology rival those found at leading universities.

Baylor's Campus, Wetlands & Tennessee River

Our river offers more than a beautiful view. A diverse, aquatic environment provides a natural laboratory for student research at all levels.

The research program and the research facilities we have here are awesome. We have the potential to do research way beyond what is possible at most other schools.Aiden Shaw
Class of 2022

Learn More about the Research Scholars Program

State-of-the-Art Facilities

Technology’s Best Tools. The Weeks Science Building is supported with a $15 million endowment to ensure the most advanced program possible. Our facilities and research technology rival those found at leading universities.

Teaching Team & Student Expectations

Students Mentored by Ph.D. Researchers. Successful in their own fields of study, Dr. Louie ElliottDr.  Antonio Herrera and Doctoral candidate Ben Holt are leading the way in developing curriculum and programs that will inspire the next generation of research scientists.

Research Highlights

Each year, Baylor Research students showcase their college-level work at the annual Science & Engineering Symposium.  Projects include an array of studies in biomedical, environmental, and engineering.