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Choir & Music

Choir & Music at Baylor

Students in grades 6-12 may enroll in band, choir, and orchestra courses and there are numerous music competitions and performances that take place throughout the year, including auditions for All-State band, orchestra, and choir.  Guest artists, lecturers, and composers are frequently invited to meet with classes to further enrich the student experience. 



This course includes the preparation and performance of vocal music in a choral ensemble setting. Students work individually and together in rehearsal to prepare music for performance in a variety of settings, including programs in the Baylor community and beyond campus. Performances include on-campus events, community appearances, adjudicated festivals, and an annual regional tour. Repertoire includes classical choral literature, modern songs, musical theater, new works, and pieces from standard men's and women's choir repertoire. Evaluation is determined by daily performance and participation, vocal development, music theory, and written evaluations. Enrollment is open to any student regardless of ability or experience.


This course introduces students to the performance of wind band music. Students work in class rehearsals to prepare a variety of repertoire for performances in the Baylor community and beyond such as pep band events, the fall Holiday Concert, the spring tour, the Spring Concert, and the Solo and Ensemble Recital. Evaluation is based on preparation for and participation in rehearsals and performances in addition to written evaluations. Students who enroll need at least one year of woodwind, brass, or percussion experience, though some beginning players can be accommodated with the permission of the instructor.


Orchestra is a year-long course. All students from beginner to advanced with an interest in playing string instruments (violin, viola, cello, bass) are encouraged to participate. Emphasis is placed on instrumental technique, tone and intonation, rhythmic accuracy, fundamentals of music theory and ear training, and the intricacies of ensemble playing. Daily rehearsals lead to performances within the Baylor community and beyond. Evaluation is based on demonstrated daily class preparation/participation, monthly playing assessments, and responsible participation in all orchestra activities and events. Generally, the orchestra performs a Holiday Concert in November or December and a Spring Concert in May. In the spring, if scheduling allows, the orchestra participates in a festival and travels with the band.



Our fine arts complex includes Roddy Theater, Ireland Studio, and a music building that is home to our choir, orchestra, and band programs.