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ASSIST Program


A Valuable Resource

The Baylor ASSIST Team serves as a valuable resource for our community by providing students, faculty, and parents a means by which to express concerns about alcohol, drug, or vaping use among friends or students.

ASSIST (Assisting Students with Substance (Issues) In Support and Trust) is an Early Intervention Team, made up of  faculty members, which was established in 2012 to focus on the over-all health and well-being of our community and to help students avoid situations that could lead to discipline, in regards to alcohol or drug concerns, including vaping.

ASSIST is non-discipline and is designed to express concern, offer help, maintain privacy and protect students. Anyone in the community (parents, faculty, students,) who may have a concern about a student, in regards to alcohol, drug, or vaping issues, may contact one of the ASSIST members and make a referral. A referral is simply an expression of concern and may involve specific details or just general information. A referral cannot be made anonymously, however, the identity of the referral source will not be revealed to the student of concern.

There are different levels of ASSIST, depending on the natural of the concern and the number of times a student has been referred. Parents may be involved at some point but, again, as a supportive measure, not discipline.

A Message of Support & Hope

The main message we want to convey to students, is one of support and hope. The over-all goal is for students to feel they are truly part of something bigger, with that something bigger being a healthy community that values them and wants to make sure, as students, they are able to remain a part of this community by making healthy choices, which not only benefit them now, but for their entire lives.

Parent Engagement

ASSIST encourages parents and faculty to engage your students in conversations about ASSIST and its purpose and welcome any questions or concerns you may have. Please feel free to contact any ASSIST Team member or Kathy Fraleyin our counseling office. (423) 267-8506, ext. 362, email
