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Dining Services

Dining Hall 2024

The Baylor Dining Experience

Baylor School is proud to partner with FLIK Independent School Dining (FISD) to provide our school community with meals that are delicious, nutritious, and thoughtfully prepared by an expert team of chefs and dieticians.

Dining Services FAQ

See What's on the Menu!

Click here to see what’s on the menu. Or get the app: FlikIsDining

NOTE: Menus are posted several weeks in advance.  Menus more than a week in advance are subject to change based on provider availability.  The school encourages diners to leave feedback in the app on any items they have enjoyed or suggestions for improvement.

See This week's menu

Meet Our Dietition

Chelsea Anderson, R.D.

Chelsea Anderson serves as Baylor’s dietician to ensure students with allergies and special dietary needs are not only accommodated but enjoy their campus meals. Chelsea is available for consultations with families as needed ahead of the start of school and on an as-needed basis should questions arise. Chelsea also visits campus regularly to ensure on-going training of the FISD staff and to help educate our campus community on how to make healthy choices when it comes to meals and snacks.