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Middle School Student Support

Baylor's Middle School faculty pride themselves on working tirelessly to ensure all students are known and are able to reach their full potential academically, socially, and emotionally.  Because of the small class sizes, the advisor program, and numerous opportunities for Extra Help and assistance through the Learning Center, students receive an abundance of individual instruction if needed.  The Middle School also has a full time counselor available to support students socially and emotionally, and should a student require academic support beyond what is available from an adviser or teacher, individualized support plans are created by the Director of Middle School Student Support. 

The Middle School Learning Center

The Middle School Learning Center is centrally located on the first floor of the main Middle School building (Barks Hall).  Students may be assigned to do coursework in the Learning Center as part of their schedule and student support plan.  Others may utilize it during daily help periods to work with math and humanities specialists. The Learning Center specialists maintain close communication with students’ teachers and advisers to ensure each student’s needs are fully met.

Adviser Program

Advisers in the Middle School also play a large role in student support. In addition to the weekly adviser group activities that promote community, the meetings also feature topics such as time management, leadership, and cooperation. The advisers are the “eyes and ears” in the classroom and may recognize behavior changes that point to an issue where we can offer support. The adviser acts as a liaison between parents and the support systems that are in place and are in regular communication with parents through phone calls, emails, and conferences.

Extra Help

Extra Help is a scheduled block of time offered daily for all Baylor students. During Extra Help, teachers are available to meet with students to provide additional support for their class. Support can range from reinforcing a concept or skill to preparing for a test to help with homework.

Student Support Counselors

Two fulltime student counselors are dedicated to providing support to Middle School students. In their roles, they provide assistance tailored to individual social, emotional, and academic needs. In addition to working with students and parents, they are also a valuable resource for faculty who are developing strategies to help students reach their individual potential and prepare for the challenges of the Upper School.