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Learning Center & Support

Baylor's centrally located Learning Centers and their open-door approach underscore the school's commitment to student help, provide students with a convenient drop-in environment, remove the stigma that extra help exists only for the struggling student, and allow for students to interact with their peers in an active learning environment. 

Middle School Learning Center

The Middle School Learning Center (grades 6-8) is a centrally-located space that provides skill-building and content-specific support to students who would like additional academic support or would benefit from structured academic intervention. Students may be assigned to the Learning Center in their schedules as a part of a student support plan or may utilize it during daily help periods to work with math and humanities specialists. The Learning Center specialists maintain close communication with students’ teachers and advisers to ensure each student’s needs are met to the fullest.

Upper School Learning Center

The Learning Center is centrally located on the first floor of the PAC (Probasco Academic Center), and its staff consists of a director as well as a team of subject area specialists.  The Learning Center staff sees the entire spectrum of Baylor students -- from a senior taking four APs to a freshman struggling in Algebra I.  Students needing enhanced support may be assigned to the Learning Center as a part of their academic schedule, but any student seeking additional help may walk in at any time.

After only a few days of coming to the Learning Center, I became more comfortable with answering questions in class and was proud of my work when I turned it in to my teachers. The Learning Center is an amazing judgment free zone where any student is welcome to come and get help on things they struggle with while gaining the life skills of helping others around them.

Jennifer Averbeck


B.A., University of the South
M.A., UT-Chattanooga

Kurt Emmanuel

B.S., Cornell University
M.S., Mankato State University

John Gibson

B.A., UT-Chattanooga

Mary Beth Hopping

B.S., University of North Carolina, Political Science

Tory Nicholson

B.S., Williams College
M.A., UC-Davis

Noah McIndoo

B.A., Neuroscience, University of the South

Middle School

Keelah Jackson

B.S., Political Science, UT - Chattanooga
M.S., Education, University of Tennessee

Lacey Jumpp

B.A., Psychology, Lee University

Amelia Moore

B.A., English, University of Utah



Student Support

One Baylor's strengths is student support programs, services, systems, and faculty focused on every student's success.

Some examples include:

  • Attentive grade-level deans who work with students, faculty, and parents to help each student perform to the best of his or her ability.
  • An adviser program and professional school counselors and learning specialists who work together to ensure every student's success.
  • A professional library staff, college counseling, the chaplaincy, and academic prefects serving the boarding program also bolster student success.
  • The Upper School and Middle School programs address students' needs in age-appropriate ways, and one-on-one extra help sessions with faculty are built into the schedule at each grade level.
  • Although "Extra Help" sessions are available during the week and is voluntary for all students in every grade, some faculty require students to attend until they are able to grasp the class

Student Support Programs



Extra Help
"Extra Help" is a block of time offered three or four times a week to all students. Faculty meet with students during this time for individualized help according to the student's needs. Sometimes the help is voluntary, but teachers also may require the session if they feel students need it.

Adviser Groups

Every student is part of an academic adviser group that meets weekly. The adviser has three official roles: academic monitor, student advocate, and facilitator.